Competition to win a free range Bronze turkey
Help we need your ideas !
Ok so we have all the turkey promotional material on order but as yet we still need to get some good ideas in for our recipe leaflets.
We are turning to you, our customers for inspiration, we need your favourite recipes for using up the last few leftovers of your Morton turkey (if there are any ?).
It couldn’t be simpler, send in your ideas for Christmas turkey leftovers to enquiries@freerangeturkeys.co.uk all we need is:
- A list of ingredients
- The method for transforming your turkey leftovers into the delicious dish.
- A picture if you have one
We will then pick the winning entry (after our own Great British Turkey cook off), we will then have some photo’s taken and the winning entry will go out with all our turkeys this Christmas.
The winner will be entitled to one free range Bronze turkey, size of their choice.
Competition closes 3rd December 2012.